Looking for a Malagacar.com discount? Let’s find out how to get the best prices and discounts with our loyalty program. Those loyal customers will get rewards from us in their next car rental, so continue reading to find out how to benefit.
Malagacar.com discount
Are you planning your next vacation and considering renting a car with Malagacar.com? If so, you’ll be happy to know that loyal customers can enjoy attractive discounts. When you log in to your account, a discount will be applied according to the number of completed bookings. For example, if you have between 1 to 5 bookings, you’ll receive a 5% discount. And from 6 bookings onward, you’ll receive an additional 1% discount per booking up to a 20%. So, if you rent with Malagacar.com every year on vacation, you could enjoy significant savings over time!
- 1 to 5 bookings: 5% discount.
- From 6 bookings onward: Plus another 1% per booking (*)
Find below answers to the 10 most common questions about malagacar.com discount:
How to apply my current Malagacar.com discount?
Remember that for the discount to be applied, you need to book online using your account. It will automatically find the amount of bookings you have with us and apply the discount to the next one; every booking counts, so the more you book with us the more discount you will get the next time.
Are there any cons to the discounts?
We value our customers, from the one who hires a car once to those who use our services several times a year. This discount is an addition to our services, so you will not only get discounts every time you book with us but you will also get a brand-new car with all the guarantees from our company.
Will the bookings or discounts expire?
Other companies don’t apply discounts or when they do, the discounts magically disappear after a time. With malagacar.com every booking counts, no matter how much cars you rent or when you did. Just remember to use your online account to benefit from lower prices every time.
Can I use more than one discount?
Unfortunately, the discounts are not cumulative, so in case there are more discounts you will always get the one with the lower price.
Can I share the discounts?
No, you can’t share the discounts. We recommend to book with the main driver account always, so you can save on future bookings.
I booked many times but never used any account
If you used the same email for booking but don’t remember the login details, please follow this link to recover the access: https://www.malagacar.com/password_help_en.html
Is the discount applied to the final price?
The discount is applied on the car rental itself, not the extra insurance or other services.
What is the maximum discount?
The maximum discount is 20%.
I can’t login or I have other problem
Please contact us to resolve the issue.
Is there any other way to get discounts for a first time booking?
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or sign up for our newsletter and we will keep you informed about our latest promotions.
Where to login and how to recover the password

Are you ready to save on your next holiday? Book now your car hire at Malaga airport and begin benefiting from the best service and savings.
* Up to 20% discount. Only completed bookings will be taken into account. Not cumulative with voucher codes or any other offer.