Yes, we love to show you the best of Malaga and the Costa del Sol, and there’s nothing better than show you Malaga summer with a few Instagram photos.
To welcome summer, today we take you with us to the beach, immerse yourself with us in the sensation of the sea breeze, salt on your skin, good music, good food, cold drinks in the shade, warm nights… you know what makes you happy, don’t you?
Table of Contents
Summer in Malaga gives you plenty of reasons to be happier
Just in case you didn´t know: Studies have proven that spending quality time next to the sea makes us happier. And thus healthier. Here are just a few good reasons.
Adding colour to the beach
Summer is also synonymous with indulgence, don’t you think?
Give yourself this treat, buy this ice cream and no regrets please!
Walking along the seashore
Walking along the seashore gives you a special feeling of well-being and peace, listening to the waves breaking, you are present again in your body and in life, it is a pure and free experience and always unique.
Because there are no two days in which the sea or the sky are the same, no matter if you go in summer and barefoot or in winter savouring the fresh breeze, at sunrise or sunset, it is always a pleasure.
Spending quality time with the people you care about
In summer time is different, holidays are finally here and we can enjoy time with our friends and family without rushing.
Your health improves
The sea reconnects you, you are more relaxed, happier, therefore, you have a better disposition and you will even sleep better.
In addition, the sea breeze is also proven to improve our respiratory system, so take a deep breath of this wellbeing.
Disconnect – Reconnect
Being by the sea is one of the best ways to disconnect (from work, from everyday life, and yes, from mobiles and social networks).
The rhythm of life is different, with no timetables, no rush, no stress, but with infinite shades of blue and open horizons.
Simple pleasures
When you go for a walk on the beach, both in summer and winter, you may see people fishing at sunset, something very typical of the locals.
It is one of those pleasures that have a special charm, as it is almost another way of meditating, sitting in a chair, without rushing, casting the rod over and over again, looking at the sea or chatting with friends. Have you ever tried it?
Dining by the sea
By the way, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a proper dinner, it can also be tapas (delicious starters) and a drink.
Whatever the case, enjoying the proximity of the seashore after sunset is also a special pleasure, especially after a hot summer day.
The sea breeze will take away all the excess heat from our bodies, while we absorb the unique summer aroma of a good fish in one of the typical beach bars or international fusion cuisine in one of the best Beach Clubs on the Costa.
The sea recharges you
Swimming in the sea or practising water sports improves our heart rate and muscle tone and serves as a pleasurable exercise.
In addition, salt water is decontracting and provides antioxidants and reduces our weight, we feel much lighter in the water.

Yes, we repeat ourselves. Because we can’t emphasise enough how good it is for body, mind and soul to rest and relax.
But it is also true that chill out is another level of relaxation.
It usually includes a good beach club, a good DJ, a good hammock and of course, something cool to drink.
This seaside combination is very close to a definition of heaven on earth.
Definition of Luxury: Sunsets by the sea
We couldn’t say it better, we loved it: Definition of luxury ⭐: “Sunsets by the sea, any day of the week”.
A luxury that is priceless, and not because it’s free.
We think you understand.
When was the last time you saw the open sky without being immersed in your mobile phone?
Simply because we love being on the beach
No matter how old we are, we all love the beach.
Maybe each of us at a different time and in a different way, and this is also wonderful, because the sea is for everyone.
We wish you happy holidays!
Poll: What are your favourite things to do in Malaga in summer?
Since there are plenty of things to do in summer in Malaga, we have created this open survey where you can add your own answer.
We are very excited to know how you spend your holidays on the Costa del Sol!
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