We have prepared a small guide with frequent asked questions to solve the doubts related to driving and Covid-19 during the alarm state.

Find out if you can drive with an expired licence or if the vehicle’s MOT has expired, what happens when you’re about to get your driver’s license, if the workshops are open, in which cases we can drive and how many people can drive the public and private vehicles and more.
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Driving and Covid-19 – Guide to solve all doubts
We answer your questions about the movement of vehicles, completion of formalities, or any other matter related to traffic and mobility.
Can I rent a vehicle from a car rental company?
Yes, the establishments dedicated to the rental of vehicles without a driver remain open, although it should be remembered that journeys on public roads are only permitted with certain restrictions.
How many passengers can go in one vehicle?
It has been established that, in both private and public vehicles, only one person can travel per row of seats, keeping as much distance as possible between the occupants.
In the event that you are accompanied, and to follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is advisable for the passenger to occupy the back seat in order to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from the other person and for both to wear a mask to avoid possible contagion.
Since you can only circulate for a reason of force majeure, it is necessary that you always carry a document that verifies it. Ask for a certificate in case you have to leave for work, and if you go to the supermarket or any establishment to get needed products do not forget the receipt. To circulate without a receipt is punishable by a fine of up to 600 euros.
In what cases can I circulate?
In general, it is forbidden to drive on public roads during the period of the alarm state. Driving is only allowed for the following activities:
1. Procurement of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities.
2. Assistance to health centres, services and establishments.
3. Travel to the place of work to perform their work, professional or business.
4. Return to the place of habitual residence.
5. Assistance and care for the elderly, minors, dependents, disabled persons or particularly vulnerable persons.
6. Travel to financial and insurance entities.
7. Due to force majeure or a situation of need.
Any other activity of an analogous nature to be carried out individually, unless accompanied by disabled persons or for another justified reason.

Can I drive with my expired license?
Permits that expire during the alarm state will be automatically extended for the duration of the alarm state and up to sixty days after its end.
What if my car has to go through MOT these days?
The technical inspection service is suspended until the alarm state ends, and you will not be fined if it has expired after March 14, although you will be fined if it has expired before this date.
I’m getting my driver’s license and it expires on these dates, what can I do?
Don’t worry about it. If you are getting a permit, the period of validity you have to apply will be increased by the time the state of alarm lasts so you do not lose the convocation.
I’m a foreign driver, how does this affect me?
You will be able to continue driving in the same conditions as before the alarm situation was declared.
Furthermore, the time that the alarm situation lasts does not count towards the six-month period in which you can drive in Spain with your foreign licence. Therefore, the six-month period is stopped, and is resumed as soon as the alarm situation ends.
Can I take my car to a repair shop?
Yes, the opening of motor vehicle repair and maintenance workshops is allowed, as well as complementary activities for vehicles authorized to circulate.
However, we recommend that you first contact the chosen workshop to ensure that it is open.
How can I do my paperwork at the traffic headquarters?
Even if you cannot come to their offices in person, the DGT offers the possibility of accessing practically all its procedures telematically. Ask if it is possible to carry out your procedure through its online services, electronic registration or telephone.
Information obtained from the official DGT website.
How to take care of your car during Covid-19
In this article we tell you everything you need to know about how to take care of your car during Covid-19.