Let’s find out all the information about the Dolmens of Antequera; benefit from your rental car by taking a journey to the Andalusian Stonehenge.
What is a Dolmen?
Dolmens are prehistoric constructions made of large stones. For the construction two or more of those large stones are placed vertically before adding more horizontally; at least one on top (Dolmen = “large stone table” in Breton).
Interestingly, Dolmens exist all over the world (Asia, Middle East, Europe and Africa), regardless of culture. In Korea there are the most dolmens, about 35 000 Dolmens, which is almost 40 % of all the dolmens in the world.
In Antequera, Malaga we have our own particular Stonehenge. The Dolmen in Antequera are from the Neolithic period. That means, to give you an idea, these constructions are an incredible 6,500 years old.