Tag: benalmadena

Flea Markets & Street Markets in Malaga and Costa del Sol

  • Posted on May 3, 2024
  • 1 Comment
  • Reading time: 11 minutes

The Street Markets in Malaga and the Costa del Sol municipalities are very popular not only because they mostly have very cheap prices but also for their great atmosphere appreciated by both locals and visitors.

The flea markets and street markets in the Costa del Sol are another way to enjoy an outdoor walk, discover local products and crafts or find a bargain.


Three Kings Parades in Malaga 2020

Undoubtedly the most awaited day in Spain (for children) is the 3 Kings day on January 6. During this day, which is a bank Holiday in Spain, children finally receive their long-awaited gifts from the hand of the Three Wise Men from the East.

On the eve of 3 Kings Day, in the afternoon of January 5, there is probably no child at home, since everyone is in the streets to see the crowded and colourful Three Kings Parade.