Tag: what to do

What to see in Malaga – Discover the most enchanting corners

Welcome to Malaga!

Discover some of the enchanting corners of Malaga. The city has real gems that you probably didn’t know about yet.

Malaga’s classic attractions (of which there are quite a few by the way!) can be found in any decent travel guide to this ancient city situted in the bay of Malaga.

But we’re going to make your mouth water with this alternative Insider tour of local and visiting photographers and show you some real gems of Malaga that you probably didn’t know about yet.


Opening of municipalities after the drop in the rate of infections in Malaga

With the opening of Malaga and other municipalities, we face the weekend with optimism.

We should remember that on 5 February, in order to contain the spread of the Coronavirus in Andalusia, a state of alarm was proposed whereby municipalities with an accumulated incidence of infection of more than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days would be closed (https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/boja/2021/514/2)

The current situation invites us to look forward to the weekend with optimism.
