The Greeks believed that Tartessos was the first western civilisation. Originating in what are now the provinces of Huelva, Cadiz, and Seville, this civilisation was influenced early on by the Phoenicians and Egyptians.
Tartessos is today an enigma of comparable proportions to Atlantis, with some researchers suggesting that Tartessos might have been the inspiration for the mythical Atlantis in Andalusia. This makes it very interesting to follow the clues that could lead to the next great discovery. If you are interested in following the trail of the Tartessians in Andalusia, continue reading and we will provide you with the main sites and clues to delve into the fascinating history of our region.
Historians believe that the Tartessians may have settled in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, near the mouth of the Guadalquivir River. From there, they would have traded with other civilisations around the Mediterranean. Although no remains have been found to prove the settlement, there are many references to Sanlúcar. The name itself seems to indicate a holy place; perhaps there are hidden treasures to be found beneath the landscape.
Some researchers suggest that to find the origin of the Tartessians, we should look further west, to the confluence of the rivers Odiel and Tinto in Huelva, where remains have been discovered beneath the city.
Another proposed location is along the Barbate River, possibly near its mouth.
Though the exact spot of Tartessos has never been proven, Sanlúcar is full of references. The very name—a play on the words Santo Lugar or So-Lucar—seems to be due to the existence of an ancient temple to a sun god, of which nothing remains today. However, what does still exist—logically modified—are the ancestral rituals exalting the senses to which such temples were consecrated. A good proof of this is the elevated state of consciousness produced by the measured tasting of manzanilla—a delicate wine—and seafood, the main local produce. A stroll along the streets is an unforgettable and magical experience.
Although no Tartessian remains have been found in this town, there have been prehistoric finds. If you are interested in starting your search from Sanlucar de Barrameda, we are going to provide you with some important places that you will be interested in visiting:
According to research, the location of Tartessos would be on an island in the river Barbate, near Benalup and Medina Sidonia. According to the historical books it is said that it is a day's walk from Tartessos to the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar), just the time it takes from the region of La Janda at 40 kilometres, as opposed to 120 kilometres from the mouth of the river Guadalquivir.
This theory, in the absence of supporting remains, is therefore based on what would be considered a day's walk.
If you decide to venture into the area, we recommend you visit Benalup, Medina Sidonia and of course the coastal towns of Barbate, Zahara de los Atunes and Caños de Meca.
Although no remains belonging to the Tartessians have been found, you can visit some interesting places:
From Sanlúcar towards Seville, we may evoque places where the Greeks are said to have situated some or their mythological exploits. Heracles, founder of Seville according to legend, was in these parts and, with the strength of this arms only, separated Europe from Africa , opening the strait of Gibraltar, leaving one of its pillars on each side. Geryon's cattle grazed in these marshes before being carried of by him, thus complying with one of the labours of Heracles.
Greek tradition also situated the garden of the Hesperides here - where the three daughters of Atlas were said to live- and the place of origin of the Gorgons, the Parcae,- daughters of the Night, The Cyclopes, the Moiras and the Hecatoncheries. Like the valley of the Nile in Egypt, Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates, or the valley of the Ganges in India, the valley of the Guadalquivir has harboured powerful civilizations, some whose features still remain up to our time. Games with bulls. Feasts with slings and ancient Mediterranean resonance could be some of them.
Tartessos is an enigma, perhaps comparable to Atlantis. The latter seems to have been located in the Bay of Cadiz, while some historical books seem to place the former near the rivers Tinto and Odiel, close to the Pillars of Hercules. Everything points to Huelva as the possible location of the capital of the Tartessian empire, but there is still no conclusive proof.
Another piece of historical evidence, this time as testimony from Scymno (162-164), who claims that from Gades (Cadiz) to Tartessos there were two days' sailing. This seems to coincide with Huelva, although it contradicts other historical statements.
In Huelva there have been finds corresponding to the Tartessian period (8th-6th centuries BC), we are talking about some port warehouses right in the centre of the city.
We recommend you to visit the following places:
The ancient capital of Tartessos in Andalucia is yet to be found. Where do you think is the most probable location? Comment in our blog.