Weather in Estepona

We'll find the highest temperature in Estepona during the high season months in summer, undoubtedly the best period to enjoy the climate and the beaches of Estepona with average temperatures of 30º or more during the month of August.

For those who like to enjoy the good weather but not the excessively high temperatures, we recommend to visit the municipality during the month of May, June, September or October. During those months you will still be able to go swimming and enjoy the good weather, but with more pleasant temperatures.

If you plan to visit Estepona during the winter, the climate is dry and with occasional rainfalls, the temperature tends to oscillate around 15º during the day and go down to 5º at night. It's common during the period of rainfalls that it doesn't stop raining practically for 3 or 4 days, but the sun always comes out at the end. In Estepona it's even possible to sunbathe in winter.

The spring tends to bring us pleasant temperatures of 17º with sunny days that we can make the most of by trying to gain a bit of a tan on our skin. During the spring it's harder to find rain which is why it's usually the season that many tourists choose to visit Estepona.

Estepona weather forecast for 5 days

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