Map of cadiz province

mapa de Cadiz mapa de Cadiz

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About Cadiz province

Different regions of Cadiz offer visitors various attractions and places to visit: Bay of Cadiz, Jerez Countryside, Northwest Coast, Sierra de Cadiz, La Janda and Campo de Gibraltar (Gibraltar Countryside).

The territory belonging to Cadiz has an ancient history, in which we find facts as curious as the visit of Julius Caesar himself and even Hannibal came to the temple of Hercules at Sancti Petri Island before his trip to Italy, to ask the gods for protection. It was not until 1833 that the province integrated within the Kingdom of Seville, Granada and Huelva; although the province is relatively young, has had inhabitants since prehistoric times.

Cadiz has many natural areas such as the Parque Natural Bahia de Cadiz, the Marshes of Barbate or the famous Doñana Park; you´ll have a good number of places where to enjoy your visit to the province.

It is not uncommon that tourists coming to Malaga decide visiting Cadiz to enjoy its seafood, its monuments and culture and its excellent beaches, so if you rent a car with us we recommend checking out the road map of Cadiz.

Malaga Spain

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