Huelva street Map

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Strolling around Huelva

The city of Huelva is one of the oldest settlements with more than 5000 years of history, in which has been inhabited by Tarshish and Phoenicians and Greeks, as detailed by the numerous archaeological findings.

When walking around the city we can visit various tourist attractions:

Huelva Visitor Centre Puerta del Atlantico summarizes the history of the city.

Archaeological Museum
Huelva museum is situated in Alameda Sundheim. There we can find remains of the Age of Metals, Tartessos, Romans and other cultures that inhabited the area.

Marismas de Odiel
Natural landscape of great importance and place of passage of thousands of migratory birds which each year make their way between Europe and Africa.

Muelle de Tharsis
Built by the British used to charge Rio Tinto ore towards the British Isles.

Muelle del Tinto
It provided transportation from the mines of Andevalo to the port of Huelva until 1975.

Casa Colon
Built in the late nineteenth century as a grand hotel; it was acquired by Rio Tinto Company as the headquarters of the company.

Workers neighbourhood
Going for a walk you can get to this neighbourhood known as Barrio Reina Victoria, built in the early twentieth century following the British style of the time as a residence for workers in the mining company Rio Tinto Company Ltd.

There are many more places we can visit such as:

  • Palacio de los Duques de Medina Sidonia
  • Palacio de las Conchas
  • Antiguo Círculo Mercantil

Huelva with Google Maps

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