Cordoba Map of Cordoba roads

corodova roads map corodoba roads map 2

Cordoba roads

Cordoba is one of the central axis of the road network and communications of Andalucia. Among its highways and motorways are the following:

A-4: Formerly known as Andalusia highway and currently as South highway. This highway is the main route of communication between the centre and the south of the peninsula from Madrid to Cadiz passing through Cordoba, Seville and Puerto de Santa Maria.

A-45: Malaga motorway linking Cordoba with the capital of the Costa del Sol through Antequera.

A-431: Motorway linking Cordoba with Villarubia.

N-324: National road linking Cordoba with Jaen, Guadix and Almeria.

N-331: National road between Cordoba and Malaga which runs roughly parallel to the Motorway of Malaga or A-45.

N-IV: Old South Highway linking Madrid and Cadiz through Cordoba and Seville, for the most part it has been absorbed by the A-4.

N-432: National road linking Badajoz and Granada running through Zafra and Cordoba.

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